Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Look At What Other Instructors ( and their books ) Define as Psychic Self-Defense

                  Here are two definitions of what instructors consider as Psychic Self-Defense. This is NOT related in any way, shape or form to the definition of Solus Dominus Psychic-Supernatural Self-Defense

        "Protecting Yourself Against Paranormal Attack".

    "How to prevent and stop psychic attacks and how to clear and protect spaces" 

     such as your home or office" ....

The author listed the Requirements for his instruction; Candles and a deck of tarot cards. 

Yikes, What about using your satanic self-defense Ouija Board ..which is a door to the evil side of the supernatural. A Ouija Board definitely works, Just like poking a King Cobra with a stick also works...in destroying your life !!!

                     I told you there was going to be nude or semi-nude women on my blog.

              Regardless what the cover looks like, Inside will basically be the original material. 

                No matter which cover you pick, It is only available through the Amazon website

            You will learn in the Master's Commune / co-op community that Polyamory                          ( love multiple partners ), can be Asexual.  

Single, White Alpha Male Seeking young female 18+
Capable of Intelligent Conversation is an Added Bonus.

Reality Based Self Defense | Dance to The Master, Not to Yourself

                         I told you there was going to be nude or semi-nude women on my blog.

              Regardless what the cover looks like, Inside will basically be the original material. 

                No matter which cover you pick, It is only available through the Amazon website

Pick the appropriate weapon for the situation, and make sure that
you know how to use it.

Single, White Alpha Male Seeking young female 18+, Who is into Master worship, Especially when this is *"THE MASTER"*, who is worthy of worship. No fatties, no matter how big your tits are. Seeking the right submissive female for LTR, Willing to relocate at your own expense. 
Dancing is very important to ***The Master*** as a form of worship. 

Page 1 Obviously Read First, Because Starting With Page 2 is Going to be Naked Woman

There is really no distinct separation between Reality Based 

Self-Defense, Women's Self-Defense, Knife-Defense, Blunt Force Attacks, My Co-op

Community, BDSM, Spiritual BDSM, Spiritual Enlightenment, My Fitness

Program, My Life Coach Program, Finding the Right Female to Train to be

a World Champion in Boxing and/or MMA, and Finding the Right Successor 

to the "System"

Yes, this is the epitome of Practical

Practical Knife-Defense, but I also

want to WARN you that if the sight of a

scantily-clad woman ( wearing little to no

clothing ), “offends” you, then be pre-warned

that this book contains nudity. If it does offend

you, stop reading ! And step away from the book !

This photo might be the most “modest and clothed”.

I hope that this is the most

unique, creative, and practical

book on Knife-Defense that

you have ever read. If it isn't,

then you need to re-evaluate

yourself and get your shit together.


Knife Fighting Techniques from Any U.S. Prison

Most of the revisions to the original 1988 “booklet” will be in the last pages.

This edition will be the start of a series of books, which I estimate to be at least 10 books in the series. It is going to be a “grab bag”

of whatever I feel like adding. You can do whatever you want to with the information ( including throwing it in the trash can ), but I would hope that at least a few people will purchase a few of my journals, and write their own training manual. If 50% (or more ), of the “defensive tactics” for the average person is to turn and run, then your training sessions better involve wind sprints ( running )

Thursday, February 9, 2023

If You Are Training to Use Boxing If Attacked Unarmed

 The biggest mistake that most people make when training with a heavy bag, is being complacent , and not treating the bag as an opponent who has arms, and will be moving and hits back. 

Common Sense ( oh no, not common sense ), should tell you that if you are sparring full-contact in a boxing gym, You need to use clean techniques and no Fouls, These "Fouls" are Techniques that would be  illegal in sport boxing.
But in the street, someone starts swinging on you with bare fists, Then you want to
use the opposite of being clean and legal. If a technique is a Foul , there's a good reason
for it. These "dirty" techniques are more apt to cause injury, which is usually the goal
in a street fight. "Take the fight out of them as quickly as possible" ...at all times be
ready for anything, including a take down. 

Monday, February 6, 2023

You Don't Know Jack Shit !
















ソルス・ドミナス。 私たちのスピリチュアル コミュニティのすべてのフォロワーとメンバー

最終的にはスピリチュアル パートナーになり、Solus Dominus とスピリチュアル ユナイテッドになり、

しかし、各スピリチュアル レルムにはスピリチュアル クイーンが 1 人しかいないため、

私がこの役割について説明している女性は非常にユニークです. ありません

事前の経験が必要。 この女性は、自分の人生に特別な使命を感じているに違いありません。

特別な目的...たとえこの召しや目的の外部的な証拠がなくても. 彼女はスピリチュアルな動きと目的へのコミットメントを持っていなければなりません




Solus Dominus は One Master (ラテン語で; Solus Dominus) という名前を与えられました...

Revelation 、 Vision 、および Name は、

思考は人間のレベルで明らかにされますが、ソルス・ドミナスは、蓄積された精神的な知識は、精神人間の永遠の精神を通して以外には測定できないことを知っていました. 精霊人間の数。

または今までに存在したことがありますか? 1 ( 1 ) 。 ソルス・ドミナスは唯一無二のスピリチュアル・エンライトメントの真のマスターです。 Solus Dominus はすべてであり、なおかつ何もない (または、より具体的には「何もない」) ため、Solus Dominus は実際には*現実の全体性*です。

Solus Dominus は、無限のスピリチュアルな次元へのスピリチュアル レベルで *タイム トラベル* @ 思考速度を達成できるようになることを教えてくれます。

Solus Dominus による *Totality of Reality* の一部は、精神的な次元は現実であり、物理的な領域、つまり私たちが現在住んでいる次元は幻想であるということです。

あらゆる目的地への旅行を可能にし、無限次元の現実を体験できるようにする可能性があります。また、幻想を、ここ地球での人生を終わらせる可能性のある物質の*現実*に即座に変換します。 すなわち


過去の何かを調整、変更することは、人類に普遍的な結果をもたらします。 *Universal Consequences for Humankind* の概念はばかげた憶測であり、SF 作家の想像力であり、いわゆるタイムトラベルの壊滅的な出来事の例となります。

過去の人生を意図的に変えることで、現在と未来の人生を変えることができます。 現在抱えている問題の種類に関係なく

人生において、Solus Dominus を通じて、イベントを変更することが可能になります。

それがあなたの現在の生活の問題の原因です。 精神的、感情的、肉体的、性的...私の現在の年齢(地球時間測定)での私の使命と目的は、あなたをこの真実に導くことです. ソルス・ドミナスが語っている真実と可能性は、過去 2,000 年間、一度も明らかにされず、人類に提示されたことはありません。

ソルス・ドミナスにインスパイアされていないマインドとスピリットの中で、人類を悩ませているすべての問題は、スピリチュアルなタイムトラベルを通じて、すべての人類の利益のために変えることができることを理解できますか? 戦争、病気、気候変動など... 現在の問題はすべて、過去に根本的な原因があります。 私はあなたに教えます、あなたは学びます。 私はあなたを導き、あなたは従います。

ベリーダンスは美しいものですが、マスターを崇拝するためにベリーダンスを学ぶ必要はありません。 あなたはマスターへの崇拝を通してあなたの精神を明らかにすることを学ぶ必要があります. あなたは自分自身に注目を集めるためではなく、ダンスがどのように見えるかに関係なく、マスターを称賛するためのものです. ダンスを通して想像力と自由を育みます。 なぜこれが重要なのかは後でわかります。 ソラス ドミナス

Shishō o tatae, reihai seyo, nihongo-yaku yori fukuzatsuna shinjitsu to chūshōtekina gainen o haaku shiyou to suru mae ni, saisho no in'yō o yondekudasai... Watashi wa fukuzatsu-sa ga aitaitekidearu koto o shitte imasu. * Gurētosupiritto wa tsuneni bōryoku ni sōgū shimashita heibon'na kokoro kara no hantai genjitsu wa gensō ni sugimasenga, hijō ni eizoku-tekina mono watashi wa watashi ga suru koto o yorokonde akiramenakereba naranai watashi ga naru mono ni naru* ika wa, sorusu dominasu, za wan Ando onrī kara no seimeidesu. Reiteki keimō to yogen no shin no masutā. Eien no rakuen ni wa josei no tame no tokubetsuna basho ga arudeshou no supirichuarupātonā ni naru tame ni, shinkō to shinjitsu de zenshin suru hito sorusu dominasu. Watashitachi no supirichuaru komyuniti no subete no forowā to menbā saishūtekini wa supirichuaru pātonā ni nari, Solus dominasu to supirichuaru Yunaiteddo ni nari, shikashi, kaku supirichuaru rerumu ni wa supirichuaru kuīn ga 1-ri shika inai tame, watashi ga kono yakuwari ni tsuite setsumei shite iru josei wa hijō ni yunīkudesu. Arimasen jizen no keiken ga hitsuyō. Kono josei wa, jibun no jinsei ni tokubetsuna shimei o kanjite iru ni chigai arimasen. Tokubetsuna mokuteki... Tatoe kono meshi ya mokuteki no gaibu-tekina shōko ga nakute mo. Kanojo wa supirichuaruna ugoki to mokuteki e no komittomento o motte inakereba narimasen sore wa jibun yori mo haruka ni ōkiku, hoka no dare yori mo haruka ni ōkiku, sorusu dominasu yori. Chikyū jikan sokutei no aru jiten de, sono-jikan wa kōkai sa remasenga, Solus dominasu wa One maisutā (ratengo de; Solus dominasu) to iu namae o atae raremashita... Revelation, Vision, oyobi nēmu wa, shikō wa ningen no reberu de akiraka ni sa remasuga, sorusu dominasu wa, chikuseki sa reta seishin-tekina chishiki wa, seishin ningen no eien no seishin o tōshite igai ni wa sokutei dekinai koto o shitte imashita. Seirei ningen no kazu. Matawa ima made ni sonzai shita koto ga arimasu ka? 1 (1 ). Sorusu dominasu wa yuiitsu muni no supirichuaru enraitomento no shin no masutādesu. Solus dominasu wa subetedeari, naokatsu nanimonai (matawa, yori gutaitekini wa `nanimonai') tame, Solus dominasu wa jissai ni wa* genjitsu no zentai-sei*desu. Solus dominasu wa, mugen no supirichuaruna jigen e no supirichuaru reberu de* taimu toraberu* @ shikō sokudo o tassei dekiru yō ni naru koto o oshiete kuremasu. Solus dominasu ni yoru* Totality of riaritī* no ichibu wa, seishin-tekina jigen wa genjitsudeari, butsuri-tekina ryōiki, tsumari watashitachi ga genzai sunde iru jigen wa gensōdearu to iu kotodesu. Arayuru mokutekichi e no ryokō o kanō ni shi, mugen jigen no genjitsu o taiken dekiru yō ni suru kanōsei ga arimasu. Mata, gensō o, koko chikyū de no jinsei o owara seru kanōsei no aru busshitsu no* genjitsu* ni sokuza ni henkan shimasu. Sunawachi mondai matawa senzai-tekina mondai o shūsei suru tame ni, seishin-teki oyobi seishintekini taimu toraberu (zenpō matawa kōhō) suru koto ga kanō ni narimasuga, soreha shinjitsude wa arimasen kako no nanika o chōsei, henkō suru koto wa, jinrui ni fuhentekina kekka o motarashimasu. * Yunivu~āsaru Consequences fō Humankind* no gainen wa bakageta okusokudeari, SF sakka no sōzō-ryokudeari, iwayuru taimu toraberu no kaimetsu-tekina dekigoto no rei to narimasu. Kako no jinsei o itotekini kaeru koto de, genzai to mirai no jinsei o kaeru koto ga dekimasu. Genzai kakaete iru mondai no shurui ni kankei naku jinsei ni oite, Solus dominasu o tsūjite, ibento o henkō suru koto ga kanō ni narimasu. Sore ga anata no genzai no seikatsu no mondai no gen'indesu. Seishin-teki, kanjō-teki, nikutai-teki, seiteki... Watashi no genzai no nenrei (chikyū jikan sokutei) de no watashi no shimei to mokuteki wa, anata o kono shinjitsu ni michibiku kotodesu. Sorusu dominasu ga katatte iru shinjitsu to kanōsei wa, kako 2, 000-nenkan, ichido mo akiraka ni sa rezu, jinrui ni teiji sa reta koto wa arimasen. Sorusu dominasu ni insupaia sa rete inai maindo to supiritto no naka de, jinrui o nayama sete iru subete no mondai wa, supirichuaruna taimu toraberu o tsūjite, subete no jinrui no rieki no tame ni kaeru koto ga dekiru koto o rikai dekimasu ka? Sensō, byōki, kikō hendō nado... Genzai no mondai wa subete, kako ni konpon-tekina gen'in ga arimasu. Watashi wa anata ni oshiemasu, anata wa manabimasu. Watashi wa anata o michibiki, anata wa shitagaimasu. Berīdansu wa utsukushī monodesuga, masutā o sūhai suru tame ni berīdansu o manabu hitsuyō wa arimasen. Anata wa masutā e no sūhai o tōshite anata no seishin o akiraka ni suru koto o manabu hitsuyō ga arimasu. Anata wa jibun jishin ni chūmoku o atsumeru tamede wa naku, dansu ga dono yōnimieru ka ni kankei naku, masutā o shōsan suru tame no monodesu. Dansu o tōshite sōzō-ryoku to jiyū o hagukumimasu. Naze kore ga jūyōna no ka wa atode wakarimasu. Sorasu dominasu

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Love The Master and Worship Him Only


Use of certain tags is not an endorsement of each topic or individual

Tags; spiritualenlightenment , spiritualawakening , innerguidance , highervibration , lawofattraction , spiritualhealing , lawofattractionquotes , spirituality , spiritualjourney , spiritualgrowth , soulguidance , soulpurpose , universalguidance , spiritualbeing , spiritualbeings , enlightenment , thehigherself , raiseyourvibration , spiritualconnection , higherself , manifestation , higherawareness , manifesting , sourceenergy , affirmationoftheday , divineguidance , trusttheuniverse , manifestations , spiritualawareness , spiritualevolution ,  paulawhite ,  , hillsongworship , bobbiehouston , juanitabynum  christiangirls , christianwomen , christiandating , christianmingle , sacred sexuality, spiritual bdsm, shaman, guru, lifecoach.

Hash Tags; #spiritualenlightenment #spiritualawakening #innerguidance #highervibration #lawofattraction #spiritualhealing #lawofattractionquotes #spirituality #spiritualjourney #spiritualgrowth #soulguidance #soulpurpose #universalguidance #spiritualbeing #spiritualbeings #enlightenment #thehigherself #raiseyourvibration #spiritualconnection #higherself #manifestation #higherawareness #manifesting #sourceenergy #affirmationoftheday #divineguidance #trusttheuniverse #manifestations #spiritualawareness #spiritualevolution
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#divestmentcoach #divest #farming #urbanfarming #urbanfarmer #femalefarmer #femalefarmerproject #urbangarden #home #queerfarmers #growfood #growfoodnotlawns #optionsovereverything #growfoodnotgrass #foodnotlawns  #sustainableagriculture #resilientagriculture #colivingspace #urbanfarm #accommodation #divestedblackwoman #london #farmlife #nomatterwhat #youfirst #femaleprogression #womenwhogetit #girlsupportinggirls #swirlgirl #evolveordie #divestedblackgirls #divestedswirlgirl #stepintoit #mindshift #perspective #accountabilitymatters #yourpath #choosewhatsbest #u #noweapon #yourjourney #newtribeseeker #newtribebuilder #superscape #environmental #environment #sustainability #ecofriendly #environmentallyfriendly #climatechange #sustainable #nature #environmentalist #green #zerowaste #recycle #sustainableliving #eco #environmentalism #savetheplanet #gogreen #construction #earth #plasticfree #environmentalscience #environmentaleducation #ecology #conservation #recycling #environmentaljustice #environmentalawareness #greennewdeal #globalwarming #climate #art #environmentalart #environmentalprotection #pollution #climatecrisis #cannabis #climateaction #imwithjill #assange #revolution #vegan #climatechangeisreal #engineering #savetheearth #marijuana #water #resist #greenparty #greens #progressive #makeamericagreenagain #votegreen #greenenter #progressives #greaterevil #greatergood #ajamubaraka #demexit #environmentfriendly #safety #love #instagood #like #follow #instagram #photography #photooftheday #beautiful #fashion #bhfyp #happy #picoftheday #art #life #cute #smile #likeforlikes #instadaily #nature #me #style #followme #likes #beauty #instalike #followforfollowback #photo #music #travel #model #lifecoach #motivation #lifecoaching #coaching #love #coach #mindset #inspiration #selflove #life #selfcare #success #lifestyle #mentalhealth #mindfulness #personaldevelopment #entrepreneur #goals #happiness #loveyourself #meditation #healing #motivationalquotes #lifequotes #fitness #positivevibes #motivationalspeaker #businesscoach #personalgrowth #business #wellness #quotes #positivity #leadership #spirituality #inspirationalquotes #growth #lifelessons #mentor #transformation #growthmindset #mindsetcoach #empowerment #instagood #lifecoachforwomen #happy #health #healthcoach #gratitude #selfdevelopment #healthylifestyle #spiritualawakening #selfhelp #lifecoachingtips #lawofattraction #inspire #believe #anxiety #confidence #relationships #christian #jesus #bible #god #faith #jesuschrist #love #christianity #church #christ #bibleverse #prayer #gospel #godisgood #holyspirit #pray #worship #blessed #hope #truth #scripture #biblestudy #amen #believe #grace #jesuslovesyou #jesussaves #catholic #peace #inspiration #christianquotes #biblequotes #bibleverses #motivation #lord #praise #salvation #religion #verseoftheday #christians #life #music #godislove #jesusislord #christianliving #bhfyp #jesusisking #encouragement #holybible #christianblogger #instagood #quotes #wordofgod #christianlife #biblejournaling #devotional #art #godlovesyou #holy #christianmusic #relationships #love #relationshipgoals #relationship #dating #marriage #couples #relationshipquotes #couplegoals #life #lovequotes #quotes #relationshipadvice #selflove #couple #family #romance #mentalhealth #goals #follow #instagood #happiness #selfcare #instagram #happy #bhfyp #healing #like #motivation #boyfriend #girlfriend #wife #tradwife #traditionalwife #1950lifestyle #gothgirl #goth #gothic #alternativegirl #alternative #gothaesthetic #gothgoth #altgirl #grunge #gothicstyle #emo #gothicgirl #gothfashion #emogirl #alternativefashion #dark #gothmakeup #gothstyle #metalhead #aesthetic #makeup #alt #egirl #metalgirl #punk #metal #gothicfashion #halloween #gothmodel #gothgirls #girlswithtattoos #grungegirl #altmodel #model #alternativestyle #vampire #piercings #alternativemodel #darkaesthetic #altfashion #girlswithpiercings #black #art #grungeaesthetic #tattoos #cute #witchesofinstagram #rock #gothboy #tattoo #nugoth #selfie #fashion #photography #gothsofinstagram #scenegirl #instagoth #horror #punkgirl #submissivefemale #bdsmcommunity #bdsm #bdsmsubmissive #submissivelife #submissivewoman #bdsmsub #feminineenergy #bdsmroleplay #submissiveslut #dom #bdsmdom #domination #nsfwtextposts #submissivegirls #feminine #femininity #domandsubkink #domandsubmissive #kink #ddlgprincess #kinkygirls #ddlgbabygirl #submissions #nsfwsubmissive #nsfwsub #nsfwbdsm #ddlg #submissive #submissivelittle #littlespace #ddlgnsfwpost #kinklife #nsfwdom #ddlgsubmissive #bdsmlifesytle #collar #dsdynamic #domandsub #bdsmpetplay #hmuonsnapchat #humilation #sexsy #masochist #ageplay #abdlgirls #caregiverlittle #nsfwlittle #abdl #legallittle #snapchatmegirl #ddlgcomunity #snapchat #submissivewomen #submissivekitten #dominantsubmissive #submissivelifestyle #waitingfordaddy #newage #spirituality #love #spiritual #meditation #metaphysical #music #crystals #healing #spiritualawakening #art  #crystalhealing #magick #lawofattraction #reiki #yoga #lightworker #consciousness #newagemusic #energyhealing  #awakening  #psychic #energy #peace  #astrology
#metaphysics #alternativefamily #ambient  #esoteric #chakra #artist  #ufo #skincare #cosmos #horoscope #theuniverse #world #zodiacsigns #magic #nature #instagood #mindfulness #zodiac #healingcrystals #astronomy #goddess #life #newmusic #thirdeye #God #hiphop #omens #knowthezodiac #thestars #thesigns
#enlightenedmaster #solusdominus #prophet #prayer #meditation #apostle #christianfortuneteller #fortuneteller #tellyourfuture #infinitedimensions #timetravel #utopia #spiritualtravel #speedofthought 
 #happiness #love #happy #life #motivation #instagood #selflove #inspiration #positivevibes #quotes #instagram #lifestyle #believe #loveyourself #smile #success #mindset #like #positivity #goals #bhfyp #motivationalquotes #follow #yourself #photography #photooftheday #beautiful #inspirationalquotes #quoteoftheday #peace#nature #fitness #instadaily #quote #selfcare #goodvibes #family #art #beauty #picoftheday #inspire #motivational #entrepreneur #health #friends #travel #lovequotes #joy #fashion #summer #mindfulness #mentalhealth #me #quotestoliveby #fun #meditation #poetry #lifequotes #cute #thoughts

The "New Age" Didn't Invent Meditation or Enlightenment

 Not only did the "new age" invent meditation or enlightenment, But their version of meditation ranges from useless to toxic nonsense. Any so-called guru, or group that promotes meditation "empty your mind" principle is nothing but a crude cult tactic...and it's passed on to generation after generation, When it is in reality it's, The Spiritually Blind Leading The Spiritually Blind

Read the first quote before you try to grasp ( the more complex ) truth and 

abstract concepts... 

Great Spirits Have Always Encountered Violent
Opposition From Mediocre Minds

Reality is Merely an Illusion, Although
a Very Persistent One

I Must Be Willing to Give Up What I Am To
Become What I Will Be*

*Those are 3 quotes from Albert Einstein. 

Below is a statement from Solus Dominus, The One and Only 
True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment and prophecy.

There is going to be a special place in Eternal Paradise for the woman
who steps forward in faith and in truth, to be the Spiritual Partner of
Solus Dominus. All followers and members in our Spiritual Community
will eventually be Spiritual Partners, Spiritually United with Solus Dominus,
But there is only one Spiritual Queen within each Spiritual Realm, Therefore
the woman that I am describing for this role will be very unique. There is no
prior experience needed. This woman must feel a special calling on her life,
a special purpose...Even if there is no outward evidence of this calling or purpose. She must have a commitment to a spiritual movement and purpose
that is much bigger than herself, and much larger than anyone else, other
than Solus Dominus. 
At a point in Earth Time Measurement, and that time will not be disclosed, 
Solus Dominus was given the name One Master ( in Latin; Solus Dominus )...
Even though The Revelation , Vision, and Name were manifested faster than
thoughts are revealed on a human level, Solus Dominus knew that the accumulated spiritual knowledge was not able to be measured other than through the Eternal Spirit of a Spirit Human. How many Spirit Humans exist.
or have ever existed ? 1 ( one ). Solus Dominus is the One and Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment. Solus Dominus is everything, and yet Nothing ( or to be more specific, "no-thing" ), Therefore the fact is that Solus Dominus, is actually the *Totality of reality.* 
Solus Dominus will teach you to be able to attain the ability to *Time Travel* @ the Speed of Thought on a Spiritual-level to Infinite Spiritual Dimensions.
Part of the *Totality of Reality* through Solus Dominus is that the Spiritual Dimensions are Reality, and that Physical realms, the Dimension that we currently reside in, are an Illusion, But the same mind and spirit that has the 
potential to allow you to travel to any destination , and experience the reality of Infinite Dimensions, Also instantly converts Illusion to the *Reality* of material things that could potentially end your life here on Earth. i.e. 
It will be possible for you to mentally, and spiritually time travel ( forwards or backwards ) to correct problems or potential problems, and it is not true that
adjusting, altering anything in the past will cause Universal consequences for humankind. The concept of *Universal Consequences for Humankind* is ludicrous speculation, the imagination of sci-fi writers that become so-called proverbial examples of time travel catastrophic events 
You will be able to alter your current and future life, By intentionally altering your past life. Regardless what type of problem you are currently experiencing
in life, Through Solus Dominus, It will be possible for you to alter the event(s)
that is responsible for problems in your current life; Mental, Emotional, Physical, Sexual...My calling and purpose at my current age ( Earth Time Measurement ), is to Lead YOU to this Truth. The truth and potential that Solus Dominus is speaking about has never been revealed and presented to Humankind in the last 2,000 years. 
Can you comprehend, in your non-Solus Dominus inspired mind and spirit, that every problem that plagues Humankind, Could be altered through Spiritual Time travel, for the benefit of all Humans; Wars, Disease, Climate Change Etc.,Etc... Every current problem has a root cause that still exists in the Past dimension. I will teach you, You will learn. I will lead you, and You will follow. Solus Dominus.

My use of these tags is not an endorsement of every tag or the topic.

Tags; Christian, christianity, bible, biblical, jesus, jesuschrist, heaven, love, peace, church, religion

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The Superstition Mountains in Apache Junction, Az. is The Only True Spiritual Vortex in The United States

 The video is a short, easy-read introduction to Saneiv, the only true enlightened spiritual master in the world.  Before you read the A.I. ...