His so-called American Zen Master Martial Arts is so Ludicrous it Boggles The Mind
that anyone would believe this BS
Seeking INVESTORS and MEMBERS, For The Master's Spiritual Enlightenment Center and Co-Op Community in Arizona 85120. WHY IS IT BENEFICIAL TO SHOW WOMEN "CLOTHING OPTIONAL" Continued in the sidebar. Master Saneiv Is the Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment and Spiritual BDSM ( Sacred Sexuality ). Spiritual Dance, and Spiritual (Non-Sexual) Nudity are "Stepping Stones" in The Master's Training Curriculum to Attain True Spiritual Enlightenment. EnlightenedMaster@aol.com
Briana Smith is an incredibly beautiful woman, But she has nothing to do with Spiritual Master Saneiv, and/or His Spiritual Co-Op Communit...