Seeking INVESTORS and MEMBERS, For The Master's Spiritual Enlightenment Center and Co-Op Community in Arizona 85120. WHY IS IT BENEFICIAL TO SHOW WOMEN "CLOTHING OPTIONAL" Continued in the sidebar. Master Saneiv Is the Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment and Spiritual BDSM ( Sacred Sexuality ). Spiritual Dance, and Spiritual (Non-Sexual) Nudity are "Stepping Stones" in The Master's Training Curriculum to Attain True Spiritual Enlightenment.
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Monday, July 10, 2023
Why Female Nudity and How Is It Related to Enlightenment ?
“He who does not desire power is fit to hold it.” — Plato
Are you somewhere between perplexed and intrigued about the fact that there are NUDE women on this blog ? The Only True Enlightened Master, Solus Dominus, Has been Chosen by The Highest Power, Infinite Intelligence ( not a higher power ), and the bottom line is that when Solus Dominus is commanded by Highest Power / Infinite Intelligence, through Spiritual and Vision Revelation, That Human Females are required to use Appropriate Nudity in Spiritual Context, To Attain True Spiritual Enlightenment. I am not in the position to question these commands. Solus Dominus will lead, and you will follow.
The Fundamental Bottom Line is that everyone needs to stop the Nonsense, and stop running to the lies and stop running away from the Truth.
- You need to contact Solus Dominus, The Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment. Any Spiritual Training outside of The Master, Solus Dominus, is False Teaching.
- Join The Master's Spiritual Enlightenment Co-Op Community in Apache Junction, Arizona ( future community will be in West Texas on 50 acres, Which we have already obtained...Needs Investor(s) to complete the property development, increase exposure, etc. "The message can only go as far as the dollar can carry it"
- Solus Dominus is The One and ONLY True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment...The only way that I can attempt to explain "why" I was called and chosen to rule the Spiritual World, The Spiritual-Realm as it is related to humans on Planet Earth, is this quote; "The best person to have power is the one who doesn't want it."
- Don't over-think this decision that you are facing. It appears to be a paradox, You have Free Will in the physical-realm, and Yet in the Spiritual-realm you have very limited Free Will.
- There are Horrific consequences if you live out your life on Earth, Separated from Spiritual Enlightenment that can only be attained through The Master, Solus Dominus.
- If you "choose to be Chosen" by The Master, Solus Dominus, You will soon find out that Solus Dominus is the Contrarian Master. Most of what you imagine ( or have preconceived images and opinions of what The True Master "should be" , He is Not. He is Contrary to what and who is Popular and / or Accepted. If you are seeking a "cookie cutter" guru wearing beads and a their "spiritual" robe, long hair, maybe a beard, etc.etc...all the "spiritual bells and whistles" , Spouting their nonsense, The ( Spiritually ) "Blind leading the Blind" , Nothing but a Court Jester , Toxic Entertainment for the Sheeple...
- The Master, Solus Dominus, has no connection with the New Age Melting Pot, Which is False Spirituality, a Smorgasbord of Nonsense. Solus Dominus has no connection with the current explosion in the popularity of Yoga and / or Meditation. Meditation, as taught by anyone other than Solus Dominus, is nothing more than a Brainwashing tool for cults, Whether they are established cults or developing cults that are still in their infancy. If you are involved in Yoga, Believing that it has "spiritual" benefits, You are actually involved in an activity that has NO spiritual benefit, But in reality, will eventually manifest very toxic effects, is a waste of time, energy and money. It is a pretense of piety, and I think that we have all seen the photos of people sitting in the lotus position, on a mountain peak, oh so "holy" and "spiritual" ...It's nonsense. The Master, Solus Dominus, Has no pretense of piety. This is a good example of why the pretense of piety is a ludicrous endeavor. Through Revelation and Vision from the Infinite Intelligence and Pure Light and Love , It was revealed that specific, Enlightened females are necessary to access a True Spiritual Vortex. Solus Dominus cannot connect with the specific, Enlightened female who has not attained spiritual and physical submission. ( Yes, You can be an Alpha Female and be in complete spiritual and physical submission...But your submission must be confined to Submission to Solus Dominus, and Therefore submission to the Infinite Intelligence, Pure Light and Love...
- The "Needs" and "wants" includes the need for a professional website. It's very obvious that the current blog is NOT on a professional-level.
- How do you think that you can attain the degree of Submission that is necessary for True Spiritual Enlightenment, If you are still clinging to the Victorian sexual repression mind-set. There is a modification of this sexual repression mind-set, and it is taught by The Master, Solus Dominus, That the woman who exists in Nudity also cultivates her Spiritual Submission. Nudity can be in the Physical-realm, and therefore can lead to Physical-realm sexual activity, or on a much higher level, Nudity will open the door to your Spiritual Life purpose and Enlightenment, if it is dedicated to Solus Dominus and The Infinite Intelligence, Pure Light and Love. Only then can you practice True Sacred Sexuality, Which no one can comprehend without first going through Solus Dominus. There is no hidden, "secret" motive or agenda. This is the NATURAL Way , And it is the Only Acceptable Supernatural Way to Live.
Sunday, June 25, 2023
Get Real, Nudity is Natural. Run to the Truth and Not to a Lie
Co-Op Community
in Arizona and Texas
Friday, December 2, 2022
Does Your Name Belong on the Empty Box
Does your name belong on the blank box ?
The training that you will receive from Solus Dominus, Spiritual Enlightenment Master, Will Operate on Planet Earth starting in 2023.
There will also be Christian and Spiritual Enlightenment Communal Co-Op Living available starting in 2023, even if it is on a very small scale. Real Truth has little to no attraction for the general public, even the Christian "general masses"....If you have a desire to know the Real Truth of Christian and Spiritual Enlightenment Prophecy. The Real Prophet points to the Real Light, Solus Dominus frequently uses the term "Enlighten / Spiritual Enlightenment" , and it is extremely easy to find "Light" and to "Enlighten" in the New Testament. 1 Top Bible Verses about Light - Beautiful Scriptures
Verses below are just a couple examples; ( Enlighten is not a term that the "new age" invented )John 8:12 ... 12 When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but ...
1 John 1:5 - God is Light · Light of Life · Psalm 119:105 John 1:9 - The true light that gives light to everyone was co...
That was the true light. Christ is that light, that famous and excellent light, the fountain of all light to all creatures; that gave light to the ...and on it goes. When the scripture says "The fountain of all light to all creatures" means that it is
available potentially to all creatures...( and you are a created creature ), but it does NOT mean that the True Light is already in you ( the "look within", and "everything that you will ever need is already in you" "new age melting pot" philosophy is NOT true...Contact Master and Prophet of Truth, if you really want to know the Truth.
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Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Tags and Hashtags
Solus Dominus, Spirit Human, is The One and Only True Christian Prophet and Spiritual Enlightenment Master on Planet Earth, Since the ascension of Jesus Christ 2,000 Years Ago.
Use of certain tags is not an endorsement of that topic or individual
Every Woman Member Will Earn and Wear Her Spiritual BDSM Collar, and Every Male Will Respect Every Female
Briana Smith is an incredibly beautiful woman, But she has nothing to do with Spiritual Master Saneiv, and/or His Spiritual Co-Op Communit...
This is the only Wordpress blog that I will be using in the future, Until a member or an investor comes forward https://spiritualenlightenm...
Last, But Definitely Not Least, The Pinnacle of Human Existence and Endeavor is Attaining THE ONLY TRUE SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT THAT EX...