Showing posts with label #psychology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #psychology. Show all posts

Monday, September 2, 2024

"Zen Master Rama" Killed Himself | Good Example for a Life Coach ? | Nothing to Joke About


It's nothing to joke about, But FYI, "Zen Master Rama" commited suicide. So much for being a Life Coach. 

It doesn't matter if it's yoga, hinduism, the whole new age melting pot...Is not only complete nonsense, It's extremely toxic. It doesn't matter if it's "zen master rama, Osho...on and you research and you will find the toxic elements, suicides, drug use, early death, etc. 
Tantric Sex/Tantric Yoga is Hindi for "I want to get laid"..."I especially want sex with as many thin, flexible, affluent, white women as possible" who are members of my cult...and it doesn't matter if it's the local yoga school. That's a generalization, But it doesn't change the fact that it happens a lot. That's their motive, Not mine. 
WOW ! You can't take one look at this guy and know that there is a problem ?

These so-called "gurus" are such a stereotyped joke. I'm surprised they don't have a
cosplay kit that you can order on Amazon...all the goodies to get you started as a guru; a robe, beads, long-hair wig, fake beard, and then just make sure that you sit around in your lotus position spouting nonsense. 

Saturday, June 29, 2024

If You Learn to Comprehend and Apply The Master's Sacrament , You Will Be On The Right Spiritual Path


Briana Smith in Slow Motion | One Of The Most Beautiful Women In The World | 
 Highest Form of Natural Art.
Female beauty is connected to the spiritual-realm, ONLY if your focus is on the
Enlightened Master Saneiv.


Thursday, June 27, 2024

Spiritual Master Saneiv is ONE With Truth | Jesus Christ is Truth, Love, Light, and God


In 5 years or less there is a huge change coming in society, Related to interaction
between men and women...and trust me, Women are not going to like this change, at this point and time, I'm not going to remove the veil of this Prophecy. 

Solus Dominus, In Latin is "One Master". Saneiv, is from a Language that you do not know, and may never know. 
The One and Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment and Spiritual-Christian Prophecy. Solus Dominus Can Transform You Into a Spirit Human Who Can travel at The Speed of Thought to Infinite Dimensions. This Topic is More Than The Vast Majority of Humankind Can Truly Comprehend. The Truth is That Infinite Spiritual Dimensions is only a Small Part of What Master Teaches. Will you be one of the few chosen ?

Friday, February 9, 2024

Do You Want To Know How Spiritual BDSM Can Be a Stepping Stone to Enlightenment


This is a side note about your question, and then you can read a general note from The Master, below this first message. God, ( Infinite Spiritual Intelligence, Where Love and Light are One ), The Only way that you will be able to truly “move on” is to “move into” , and this refers to the fact that everything that has ever existed, still exists, just not here in this specific dimension. There are 2 main ways that you can “move in” and experience, and even alter reality in Infinite Spiritual Dimensions. I.E. You can visit and experience your “past life” …The true definition of “past life” is not how people define it in spirituality communities, or how “so-called masters” define it. Master Solus Dominus is the Only Spirit-Human who can teach you how to visit the correct Infinite Spiritual Dimension at the speed of thought, Not the speed of light. Physics is limited by being in the Physical-realm. Speed of light is limited and to a physicst, Dimensions are limited. Our key word and principle is Spiritual ( Spiritual Dimensions ) If this is of interest to you, Let Master know and we can start the communication process.

Greetings, Nothing personal, But I would prefer if people on this site would think twice about asking questions related to Kundalini / Kundalini Yoga, Considering that it is a horrific CULT and has damaged and/or destroyed a LOT of people. It’s very easy to Google this topic and how it was founded as a very toxic cult. Most of the questions that people ask about Kundalini, are actually trying to promote the cult, but is disguised as a “questions” …

As the Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment , Anyone that is accepted to train with Master, Once you embrace the training, all of your questions will take care of themselves. Most questions related to spirituality on this site are related to a “solution to a problem that doesn’t exist” IF ( and only IF ), You are enlightened or in the process of being enlightened through Solus Dominus.

The volume of requests that I receive is so high, for questions related to the spiritual-realm, That I need to go back to general posts, rather than answering specific questions, Unless the person becomes a student / follower, Then the training itself will answer all of your questions, Not only on a personal level, But also related to why the teaching of The Master Solus Dominus will not only enlighten your “self” and your “being”, But you will learn how Infinite Spiritual Intelligence for Global Unity and Global Peace is very possible, But ONLY through the One and Only True Spiritual Master, Solus Dominus. It might sound like a paradox to teach the Only True Way to Global Peace ( a Global Spiritual Movement ), and at the same time, Knowing that the human nature of the average unenlightened person is to run TO lies, and run FROM truth. You will learn how this “contradiction in terms, concepts and principles” can be overcome through Solus Dominus.


Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Someone Asked If There is a Connection Between "Age of Enlightenment" and Creation of Mental Institutions

 My response: The answer should revolve more around the definition of Enlightenment. If the definition of Enlightenment is connected in any way with Yoga ( for example ), there is no Enlightenment and the person is deceived. Yoga is extremely toxic if you are trying to use it for spiritual reasons. Many of the most horrific cults that ever existed are based in Yoga, eg. OSHO …and ”mental institutions” are not a modern creation.

Remember that my use of tags does not mean that I endorse a specific topic; eg. Hinduism, #hinduism, hindu religion, #hindu , #yoga , yoga

Contact The Master about possibly being a part of the Inner Circle, Through a Throuple LTR

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Female Submission to the Right Dominant Male is Not a Toxic Principle



Take the example of Christianity. Submission is an important issue in relation to marriage.

Here is the plain biblical command: “Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything” (Ephesians 5:22–24).

Unfortunately, "Modern" Christian women, in general, do NOT practice what they preach, and their divorce rate is a perfect example. There are also just as many toxic feminists in the average Christian church in 2023, as there are in secular society. 

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Comforting Lies or Uncomfortable Truth, It's Your Choice

  •  The bottom line is that you need to know WHERE you are going when you die.
  • You need to be Spiritually Enlightened through the One and Only True Master of Enlightenment, to assure a better life while you are on Earth, and assurance that you will go to the Infinite Spiritual Dimension of known as Heaven ( which contrary to the media nonsense of Heaven being a place where you float on clouds )
  • Spiritual B D/s M taught through Solus Dominus, is the stepping stone to True Spiritual Enlightenment. 
  • You need to believe in something. Rather than believing in "something", you should be believing in Infinite Intelligence and their messenger, Solus Dominus. This is the ultimate Cause to dedicate your life to. 
  • What is the name of the Spiritual Being that we trust to lead us in ALL things in the Spiritual-realm; Latin: Infinita Cognitio Purus Amor et Lux. English: Infinite Knowledge, Pure Love and Light. This is the Source of the Master's Revelations Spiritual Visions and Enlightenment. Accessed through THEIR Spiritual Vortex.
  • Contrary to the New Age Melting Pot commercial hype, There are only 2 spiritual vortex in the world ( and neither are in Sedona, Arizona )
  • Infinite Intelligence for Global Unity. This is the title of The Master's Spiritual Community, which will be a global movement. Accessing the true Spiritual Vortex, requires the RIGHT female to be in attendance, the female has the key, and Solus Dominus controls the spiritual door. 

The Master's Spiritual Co-Op Community is where YOU belong. With The Master, Truth prevails and is promoted with no hidden or false agenda. You cannot take one step into the realm of Infinite Intelligence, Truth and Light, Until you are Enlightened through The Master, Solus Dominus. 

Join The Master's Spiritual Community NOW, before it's too late and the spiritual door has been closed. 

This Will Be a Global Spiritual Movement in The Future. Be Prepared for Turbulent Social and Economic Times through The Master, Solus Dominus.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Enlightened Master | #Spiritual #Enlightenment #love #spirituality



What's going on in France (riots) ? The same thing that's going on in the USA...The Globalists are stirring the pot of Anarchy so that they can bring in Martial Law...which will be the end of our freedoms, as they implement Global Slavery...When street crime is not only allowed to flourish, But is promoted by the Government and the Global Elite , the Shadow Government that actually run the show and call the will get to the point when average citizens are begging for Martial Law, to put an end to violent crime, street gangs, etc. in America...The government will eventually and gladly step in and implement Martial Law, So that THEY can get exactly what they have always wanted, Complete Control of All American Citizens.
You don't have to believe this, It's your choice and only my opinion...


Invest in YOUR future and YOUR Eternity. 

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Why Are There So Many "Independent" , "Empowered" Gold Digging Whores After Male Money ?



There are so many elements of the Master's teaching, this short message is not the time and place to go into the details...Here are a few topics; unconditional love, The Master's principles, protocol and benefits of Polyamory ( not Polygamy ), getting all of the ATTENTION and AFFECTION that you deserve and crave. Knowing the differences between nudity and sex, affection and sex, appropriate attention...this is NOT a sex cult or sex commune. It is a place to learn, love and develop into an Enlightened, Evolved Spiritual Being...You must first learn what True Physical and Spiritual Submission consists of, as you move more and more from the Physical-realm to the Spiritual-realm...You can only attain TRUE Spiritual Enlightenment through The Master, Solus Dominus. The Master is Contrarian. If you are a follower of a false teacher, so-called guru, etc. , usually through the "new age melting pot", and have been indoctrinated and content with the "popular" so-called spiritual benefits of Yoga and Meditation ( which, in reality, are extremely Toxic and are of no benefit...even the ( physical ) stretching methods and poses are not worth the risk of being involved in Yoga. Truth is very seldom "popular", and the fact that Yoga and Meditation ( as being currently taught around the world ), are very popular, should be a red flag...The "sheeple" usually lack discernment and insight, and the Yoga and Meditation instructors at the top of the pyramid, or the leader of one of the many cults that are Yoga and Meditation based, are nothing but the Spiritually Blind Leading, Leading The Spiritually Blind ...Solus Dominus

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Dedicate All Dancing to Solus Dominus, The Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment

 If you want to live in an environment with true racial equality and unconditional love, Then you need to join the Master's Spiritual Co-Op Community and stop listening to the government and "politically correct" nonsense. 

You are right, there is definitely MUCH MORE to life than what we experience 
on a visually and touch on a physical-level.
There is a void in every person that can only be filled through accepting and embracing the RIGHT Spiritual Master who is able to show them how to attain spiritual enlightenment. Otherwise people try to fill that void with all sorts of negative, toxic things like drugs, alcohol, and toxic sexual relationships.
Don't get me wrong, I make no pretense of piety ( no attempt to "act" religious. True Spiritual Enlightenment
is not religion. One of the primary principles of my teaching and lifestyle is that I am a Contrarian Master.
Almost everything that is taught regarding spiritual enlightenment, and most other subjects, is contrary to what
is acceptable or known to the "general public" and the "sheep" mind-set. 
If you use cannabis for example in moderation, or you are a "social drinker" this does not exclude you. I personally
do not drink ( or smoke anything ). Anytime that I state a specific practice, you must assume that it will always be
the Master's version of that practice. There is a LOT of nonsense going on in society, in almost every area of life.
When I use the term "Spiritual BDSM" or "Sacred Sexuality" it is not related to anything that is currently being taught
or promoted by other people. and the "SM" part of that acronym does not pertain to the Master's teaching. 
( S&M is Sado-Masochism ), the part that does pertain to the Master's instruction is Spiritual submission. Unless you
can humble yourself, and submit to the Master in body, mind and spirit, you will never attain spiritual enlightenment.
and "submit in body" does not mean that this has any sexual motivation behind it. The physical mind-set "wall" does have
to be reset and that wall must be eliminated. Every action that you do, if it is dedicated to and focused on Master, then
you will "become One" with Master. Master is not the pure light, But by embracing Master and all that he represents, you
will share in that Light ( attain enlightenment ). 
Here is the original email that I sent;
  Hello, I appreciate your last message. It shows that you are interested and you want to make sure that it is an informed decision. I cannot go into a very detailed day-to-day schedule, But I will do my best to give you an outline of my spiritual enlightenment background and what has led to the point in time where this became reality. I will also list some of the things that would be expected of you, and how you will be instructed.

I was first dedicated to the Christian church at 2 weeks old, and went to a specific church for the next 12 years. When my parents asked me at 12 years old if I wanted to still go to church or not, I chose to NOT go any longer. At the same time, I started training in Judo, Karate and Aikido, and all 3 martial arts have a very strong foundation in Eastern ( Asian ) Religion. I also want to mention that at approximately 5 years old, I had very vivid dreams ( that were actually spiritual visitations while being asleep ), where it was basically the same "dream" over and over, then it just stopped after approximately 1 year. I would tell my sister ( who is 7 years older than me ) that the "snake woman" visited me last night. ( A beautiful woman was the top half of her and the bottom half of her was a snake, and she was always in a standing position. She would ask me to take my shirt off, which I did not follow her directions. Little did I know at 5 years old, that there is significance in spiritual nudity, if done in a spiritual context, and nudity does not translate to sexual relations. There is absolutely nothing that is degrading about nudity in the right spiritual context.  

Of course at 5 years old I didn't know the significance of these visits. I realized how this all fit into place, 50 years later. ( and no, it won't take you 50 years to attain true enlightenment, not even close to that time period, that was my journey as the future Master, not yours.)  The critical elements of the "snake woman" visits that I found out 5 decades later, after I was enlightened, I would be waiting for the right woman, who will be the necessary "key" to access the true spiritual vortex ( and only I know the location of this vortex )This vortex is necessary for continuing spiritual knowledge from Infinite Intelligence, or the term that is used by other people, is being directly connected to  God.                        

I have studied at the Harvard School of Divinity ( which was a joke, and a waste of time ) 

To become the Master, I had to wait until the point where I had a basic death sentence of cancer ( and now I am 100% cancer free.) The main spiritual principle from this ( cancer ) scenario was the fact that without physical and emotional submission at that extreme level, mixed with spiritual submission, no follower will ever attain enlightenment, Master included. Each of us must "pay our dues" , not through financial means ( you cannot buy your way to the spiritual dimension, that people call Heaven ), so not only will Master show you the Only Way to attain Spiritual Enlightenment on Earth, But the truly profound Truth that you will be guaranteed to be in the Eternal Presence of The True God of all that exits ( and it is not God as people currently believe through any type of man-created organized religion. ) Don't under-estimate the profound nature of the statement that Master has just revealed to you.

        Your personal instruction is basically broken down to; 1) 25% structured instruction. The Master's enlightenment version of meditation has nothing to do with "meditation" that is taught to the general public through Yoga-based cults, and other forms of the new age or occult practices. I am extremely straight-forward and honest. Here are some things that you will need to do, or you will never attain TRUE spiritual enlightenment, which is not only critical for your current life on earth, But for your eternity. Life is infinite and it does not stop when your heart stops beating in the physical-realm. ( some of this I have already stated, But needs to be repeated )

1) I will teach you the difference between "Heaven" and Infinite Spiritual Dimensions, and what is the benefit of knowing how to access these dimensions. Infinite dimensions can only be attained through the spiritual-realm. Let the physicists who know nothing about the spiritual-realm, waste their time arguing if there are up to 22 dimensions, when in spiritual-reality dimensions are infinite.  

2) You will never attain true spiritual enlightenment unless you have reached the point of complete submission to the one and only true Master of spiritual enlightenment, accept it or not, those are the facts. Submission does not involve anything that is degrading, but it does involve high-levels of Trust, Communication, Honesty, and Loyalty. You will soon realize that almost nothing is focused on the pleasure of your Master, the attention is directed toward YOU. This is a key element of learning and experiencing unconditional love, joy, and inner peace. Some of your benefits will be Joy and inner peace, not "happiness". Being happy is OK, but it is based on day-to-day "circumstances", which can change at any time. 

I already stated that 25% of your time will be structured instruction, while approximately 75% will be embracing everyday exposure to your Master. Neither you nor I are perfect, and the goal will never be perfection, But the goal is attain spiritual enlightenment so that you are embracing and connecting directly to God, But always through the Master. It sounds like a paradox, but it isn't. 

You will learn a high percentage of what you need to know, just by "being" with the Master. You will get "nuggets of spiritual truth" in our regular day-to-day existence, but for now we still exist in the physical realm, and there are still mundane activities that need to be done; cleaning, cooking, etc.

3) That would be great if true spiritual enlightenment was without sacrifice and served to you on a "silver platter", But that is not the reality of attaining true enlightenment. 

4) I want you to sincerely think about this before you decide to join your Master. In your inner being do you believe that I am the True Master who can lead you to True Enlightenment ? If you pass on this opportunity, I believe that later you will have devastating regret. I say this last part in a positive way, and not as some "sales pitch"; The spiritual seed has already been planted by God ( Infinite Spiritual Intelligence ), or you would have never been led to your Master. 

I realize that you have already made the decision to Join your Master, Now we must manifest your desire into the reality of meeting and getting started. Solus Dominus

The Greatest Message Will Remain Unheard and Never Acted Upon If...

The Greatest Message Will Remain Unheard and Never Acted Upon ...If you cannot humble yourself to ask for The Key to Spiritual Treasure fro...