The Greatest Message Will Remain Unheard and Never Acted Upon ...If you cannot humble yourself to ask for The Key to Spiritual Treasure from Spiritual Master Saneiv, You will never attain True Spiritual Enlightenment. It all starts with a Humble Spirit. The Lack of Humility of Most Americans is One of The Main Reasons Why America Has Been Last on The List For Receiving The Opportunity to Attain True Spiritual Enlightenment.
The teachings of Spiritual Master Saneiv are like a treasure chest of gold and diamonds that's in a wagon that is being pulling down the street, right in plain sight of all of the people in New York City and no one steps forward to ask what's in the wagon.
Why ? Because the treasure is covered by a "box" built around the treasure in the wagon by their pre-conceived ideas about God, Religion, "popularity = inherent truth" , misinformation and propaganda about the definition of true spirituality, belief that quantity of members in a religion or spiritual movement somehow "must" have validation of the masses attached to it...they would rather be the "blind being lead by the blind" than to know what what the box has for their benefit and the benefit of the world, they would rather live comforting lies, than to experience uncomfortable truth.
Do you want to know TRUTH ? Do you want to follow Truth ?There is no spiritual hindrance of a "box" around Spiritual Treasure, it's an illusion perpetuated by the unenlightened masses.
There is just the Treasure Chest, with Spiritual Master Saneiv standing next to it, holding The Key...Not "a key", but The Key.
True Spiritual Awakening and Future Enlightenment can be summarized as , Stopping long enough in your self-serving pursuits to humbly ask Saneiv, the only true enlightened spiritual master in the world, if you can "borrow the key" ...You can be Spiritually-owned, and you will be owned (claimed), but you cannot and will not be an owner, You can only borrow The Key from Spiritual Master Saneiv.
Once you have opened the Treasure Chest of True Spiritual Knowledge, you must give the key back to Spiritual Master Saneiv, so that He can Bless and Spiritually Benefit the next person that will be chosen, for there only exists ONE Key and the Key has a name, and the name is Saneiv. When you borrow The Key , You are "borrowing" Spiritual Master Saneiv.
Your Spiritual Enlightenment through Spiritual Master Saneiv will NOT be served to you on a silver platter. There are no special programs for wealthy members and/or "celebrities" way that you can avoid a Red Flag "guru" is to investigate if they have "special treatment" for financially wealthy and/or famous members. Considering that some of the primary
The Greatest Post (Message) in The World Means Very Little Unless You Are Motivated To Take ACTION and Follow That Message...