Showing posts with label spiritual music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spiritual music. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Dance Not to Your Ego, But Dance to Your Sacred Sexuality Master

You do not need to be an experienced belly dancer. You will learn to free dance
in the Spirit to honor, respect and worship your true Master of Spiritual Enlightenment.
Focus on Your Master and not on your "self" ( ego )...this is a step forward in attaining
True Spiritual Enlightenment through Solus Dominus.
Common-Sense Should Tell You That Any Person, Group / Organization
That Seeks The Best, Uses Some Form of RECRUITING...
Join Our Commune ( Co-op Community ) for Spiritual-Supernatural BDSM
Let us always be honest and upfront, No hidden agenda ( what a unique concept in 2023 ), I want "The Chosen"
to be completely dedicated and loyal to The One True Master, Solus Dominus...But your decision does not alter this
fact. The Master should be operating, basically on a "blank check" budget, "Needs" supplied to the maximum, and the
Master's "wants" to the minimum...But the world chases after nonsense and lies. Are you one of the exceptions ?
Join The Master's Commune ( Co-op Community ) for Spiritual-Supernatural BDSM . True Sacred Sexuality | True Mental-
Emotional-Sexual Healing Through Solus Dominus, The One and Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment, and True Spiritual BDSM.

The only reason why there would be inherent drama in Polyamory relationships, Whether there are two women or 20+ , is because the roles have not been established BEFORE the relationship is established. Whatever I tell a woman to do, she does it, without question, because she trusts her Master and Dominant Daddy 100% ...Look at my age. The 1950's Lifestyle, Spanking Your Wife or Girlfriend, Putting your wife on an allowance, Keeping her on a short leash, and punishing her when appropriate...These weren't *Fetishes* this was just called Real Life...

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Spiritual Enlightenment

There are only a few Physical areas of life that can cultivate your Spiritual 
Enlightenment; Music, Dance, and the combination of these two elements.

Dance in the commune is "clothing optional" and it is free in the spirit. You do not need to use structured dance techniques, You apply dance as the spirit leads you. You must focus on what pleases Solus Dominus, and keep the focus off of your "self"

Part of the Psychological Aspect of BDSM and Spiritual BDSM
is the application of subspace ... subspace is not as common in
BDSM as practitioners want you to believe. 

Tags; enlightened master,enlightenment,life purpose, spiritual dance, spiritual music, spiritual vibration dance, communal, commune, Arizona, spiritual awakening, meditation,
yoga, fitness, emotional support. 

as common 

The Greatest Message Will Remain Unheard and Never Acted Upon If...

The Greatest Message Will Remain Unheard and Never Acted Upon ...If you cannot humble yourself to ask for The Key to Spiritual Treasure fro...