Showing posts with label hinduism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hinduism. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Someone Asked If There is a Connection Between "Age of Enlightenment" and Creation of Mental Institutions

 My response: The answer should revolve more around the definition of Enlightenment. If the definition of Enlightenment is connected in any way with Yoga ( for example ), there is no Enlightenment and the person is deceived. Yoga is extremely toxic if you are trying to use it for spiritual reasons. Many of the most horrific cults that ever existed are based in Yoga, eg. OSHO …and ”mental institutions” are not a modern creation.

Remember that my use of tags does not mean that I endorse a specific topic; eg. Hinduism, #hinduism, hindu religion, #hindu , #yoga , yoga

Contact The Master about possibly being a part of the Inner Circle, Through a Throuple LTR

The Greatest Message Will Remain Unheard and Never Acted Upon If...

The Greatest Message Will Remain Unheard and Never Acted Upon ...If you cannot humble yourself to ask for The Key to Spiritual Treasure fro...